A Roman Catholic Parish of the Archdiocese of New York
Our Parish Mission
The Roman Catholic faith community of Our Lady of Sorrows Parish strives to live out the Gospel message of love, compassion and forgiveness. Guided by the Holy Spirit, we are sustained by the sacraments. Through the intercession of Mary, we strive to share our time, talent and treasure to grow together spiritually, and to provide religious and academic education to our parishioners of all ages. We seek the greater good of those in need, so that all who seek may find the loving presence of God.
Our History
Our Lady of Sorrows was founded in 1929. It is comfortably situated in a suburban setting in the Gedney Farms neighborhood of the City of White Plains in the county of Westchester, New York. Our parishioners are dedicated to the celebration of their Catholic faith through worship and service.
Our Address: 920 Mamaroneck Ave, White Plains, NY 10605
Phone: 914-949-9819
Fax: 914-949-4148
E-mail: olscc@optonline.net
Rectory Office Hours: Monday - Friday: 9am - 4pm
Saturday: 2pm - 6pm
Sunday: 8am - 2pm
Directions to O.L.S. Church: click here
Intentions for the 2025 O.L.S. Mass Book will be accepted beginning Oct. 28, 2024
As in the past, our rectory staff will not be working with you in person or over the phone at this time due to the volume of Mass requests for the opening of the Mass Book. Please submit your requested Mass intentions via mail, drop off at the rectory mail box (located by the rectory office on the small parking lot side) or by email to olscc@optonline.net. A total of 5 intentions will be accepted - 2 Sunday Masses and 3 weekday Masses. The policy of no announced intentions for Christmas and Easter Masses is still in place. The current O.L.S. Mass schedule has not changed: one Mass at 8am Monday through Saturday and Masses at 5pm Saturday and 7:30am, 10am, and 12 noon on Sunday. When preparing your list, please include the following information: your name, address, phone number and email address. Your list of Masses must include the intention (i.e. person’s name- neatly printed please) and indicate if living or deceased. The cost of an announced Mass is $20. When a list is received at the rectory office, it will be stamped with the date and time received to allow for “first come first served” fairness. You will be notified in writing of the intentions that were arranged based on your list. If a date and/or time are unavailable, the closest to your request will be entered in the Mass Book.
The 2024 Cardinal’s Stewardship Appeal has kicked off. Letters have been sent by the Archdiocese to your homes. You can bring your completed forms to the rectory or drop them in the collection. At its core, the Appeal exists to fund the vast educational, charitable and pastoral outreach of our Archdiocese, all of which serve to make Christ known in the world. Our Parish goal is $126,400. Please remember to include our parish number 561 on your pledge card. Thank you for your support. cardinalsappeal.org/
O.L.S. Summary to Date:
Goal: $ 126,400.00
Pledged: $ 143,306.00
As in the past, our rectory staff will not be working with you in person or over the phone at this time due to the volume of Mass requests for the opening of the Mass Book. Please submit your requested Mass intentions via mail, drop off at the rectory mail box (located by the rectory office on the small parking lot side) or by email to olscc@optonline.net. A total of 5 intentions will be accepted - 2 Sunday Masses and 3 weekday Masses. The policy of no announced intentions for Christmas and Easter Masses is still in place. The current O.L.S. Mass schedule has not changed: one Mass at 8am Monday through Saturday and Masses at 5pm Saturday and 7:30am, 10am, and 12 noon on Sunday. When preparing your list, please include the following information: your name, address, phone number and email address. Your list of Masses must include the intention (i.e. person’s name- neatly printed please) and indicate if living or deceased. The cost of an announced Mass is $20. When a list is received at the rectory office, it will be stamped with the date and time received to allow for “first come first served” fairness. You will be notified in writing of the intentions that were arranged based on your list. If a date and/or time are unavailable, the closest to your request will be entered in the Mass Book.
The 2024 Cardinal’s Stewardship Appeal has kicked off. Letters have been sent by the Archdiocese to your homes. You can bring your completed forms to the rectory or drop them in the collection. At its core, the Appeal exists to fund the vast educational, charitable and pastoral outreach of our Archdiocese, all of which serve to make Christ known in the world. Our Parish goal is $126,400. Please remember to include our parish number 561 on your pledge card. Thank you for your support. cardinalsappeal.org/
O.L.S. Summary to Date:
Goal: $ 126,400.00
Pledged: $ 143,306.00
To sign up for WeShare as a part of the Increase Offertory Program please visit the link below:
Weekday: Monday - Saturday 8:00 a.m.
Sunday: 5:00 p.m. (Saturday Vigil)
7:30 a.m. , 10:00 a.m. and 12 noon
Catholic Links:
Archdiocese of New York
Family Life Respect Life
Catholic Encyclopedia-New Advent
Catholic online
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
O. L. S.’s COVID-19 RESTRICTIONS (Update as of September 2023)
* Comply with the CDC and Archdiocesan recommendations
* Masks are optional
* Continue with the current Mass schedule - The Saturday 5pm and Sunday 7:30am, 10am and 12 noon Masses will be held in the church.
* For those who prefer to maintain physical distance, the
Community Room and the left-wing section of the church (on large parking lot side) will be designated for those who prefer to maintain physical distance. Masks are required in these sections.
* Communion reception return from front to back
* Sign of Peace remains with a friendly wave
* The Cry Room will remain closed
Weekday: Monday - Saturday 8:00 a.m.
Sunday: 5:00 p.m. (Saturday Vigil)
7:30 a.m. , 10:00 a.m. and 12 noon
Catholic Links:
Archdiocese of New York
Family Life Respect Life
Catholic Encyclopedia-New Advent
Catholic online
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
O. L. S.’s COVID-19 RESTRICTIONS (Update as of September 2023)
* Comply with the CDC and Archdiocesan recommendations
* Masks are optional
* Continue with the current Mass schedule - The Saturday 5pm and Sunday 7:30am, 10am and 12 noon Masses will be held in the church.
* For those who prefer to maintain physical distance, the
Community Room and the left-wing section of the church (on large parking lot side) will be designated for those who prefer to maintain physical distance. Masks are required in these sections.
* Communion reception return from front to back
* Sign of Peace remains with a friendly wave
* The Cry Room will remain closed